Course Regulations

Local Rules

To view the Redcliffe Golf Club Local Rules please click here 27.03.25 local rules

Conditions of Play


  • All players must comply with all reasonable requests from the starter.
  • Players must be available at the First Tee twelve (12) minutes before scheduled hit off time.
  • Players not available to hit off at the scheduled time will be rescheduled to the next available time slot.

Fees – All appropriate fees must be paid before access to the course will be granted.


  • Each player must have a set of clubs.
  • Maximum of 4 players per group unless approved by the starter

Course Marshall – Is in complete control of play.  Instructions by the marshall must be abided by.

Course Etiquette

  • No player should hit until the players in front are out of range or have left the vicinity of the green.
  • Mark card on the next tee or well away from the final green.
  • When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the green and proceed to the next tee.
  • A player should carry a sand bucket at all times and fill any divot that is encountered on the course.
  • Plug marks on greens should be repaired.